Charity Donations

On this page you can find more specific information about the charities Crafty Stars Studio supports. As time goes on, more will be added. During certain months or days of the year, a percentage of proceeds will be redirected to the charity noted.

📝 Please note this will only apply for certain items and we will state clearly through social media and the product pages when a percentage of proceeds will be allocated to charity.

On this page you will also see how much has been redirected - numbers are updated as orders are completed.

🌸 Thank you for not only supporting my business but donating to these charities too!

Look for the pink highlighted awareness cause at the top! This means that one is currently running and all donations made will be redirected at the end of the month!

Huntington Disease Awareness

For the entire month of May 2023, 50% of all dark blue and dark purple awareness ribbons will go to the Huntington Society of Canada.

🌸 A total of $10 has been raised and redirected to the charity.

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Since the war between Ukraine and Russia; we have made a keyring flag available for purchase. Until further notice, 50% of the Ukrainian flag proceeds will be redirected to The Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.

🌸 A total of $75 has been raised for the Ukrainian people so far.

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Breast Cancer Awareness

For the entire month of October, 50% of all pink awareness ribbon keyrings will go to The Canadian Cancer Society.

🌸 A total of $20 was raised in October 2021.

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Future Awareness Months

Are you interested in finding out are future awareness donation months? Look below for an updated list of what is to come!

📌 Oct 2023: Breast Cancer Awareness. [Canadian Cancer Society] Pink Ribbon.

📌 Jan 2024: Cervical Cancer Awareness. [Canadian Cancer Society] Teal Ribbon.

Is there is a charity/awareness month in mind that you would love for us to have a look at? Please get in contact with us! We can't promise anything but we would still love to hear from you!